Set out below are some details on the visit of the "Coptic" to Wellington
in 1891. These details were kindly supplied by Jean McCarthy who comments:

"My grandmother Elizabeth Bowden and her mother and eight siblings were on
the Coptic when it departed London on 29th October 1891. The ship arrived
in Wellington on 16th December 1891. I know she stopped at Hobart where my
great-grandmother was taken ashore to hospital where she died after two
days. Below is a newspaper report I have obtained which might be of use to
you and your wonderful web site."

Kind Regards.

Jean McCarthy nee MOORE in Cannock Staffordshire England

The newspaper report is from the "Hobart Mercury" of 11th December 1891.

SS Coptic from London
William Crosby and Co., MacFarlane Brothers and Co., and Alex MacGregor and
Co., joint agents. Cargo will be discharged at consignees risk as per terms
of bills of lading which require to be presented and freight paid to the
undersigned before delivery of goods. Unclaimed and non entered goods will
be bonded in accordance with customs requirements at consignees risk and
expenses and are uninsured.
Alex MacGregor and Co.
11 Elizabeth St Hobart

Dr Robert Giffen LLD Commercial Secretary Board of Trade and Comptroller
Corn Returns has arrived per Coptic and is guest at Government House.

Arrival of the RMS Coptic

"The RMS Coptic (Shaw Savill Line) arrived here at 8pm yesterday from
London. She left the Albert Docks at 0:40pm on the 29th October and
experience moderate to strong north east winds down the channel, arriving
at Plymouth at 9:10pm on the 30th October. Embarked the remainder of the
passengers, mails, etc. and proceeded at 2pm on October 31. After leaving
Plymouth a heavy westerly gale was met with accompanied by a cross and
confused sea. Moderate to strong breezes and continued beam sea were
experienced and she arrived at Teneriffe which port she reached at 0:20pm
on November 5. After disembarking passengers and coaling, the Coptic left
for Cape Town the same day at 8:30pm. From there the usual trade winds were
experienced and she arrived at Table Bay at 7:52pm on the 21st November but
being unable to land the passengers that evening she was unable to proceed
until noon the next day, November 22. For 15 days after leaving Cape Town
moderate to fresh westerly winds were experienced, the remainder of the
passage to this port being moderate to light variable winds. During the
voyage the entertainments have been many and varied. The Coptic leaves for
Wellington today at 8am. One passenger for New Zealand, Mrs Bowden, was
removed to the hospital last night. She has been suffering for over four
weeks from sea sickness and was utterly prostrate when taken ashore. Owing
to a mistake in the transmission of a telegram as to the date of the Coptic
leaving the Cape, it was not expected that she would arrive here until

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