The Wave Queen departed London on 19 June, 1880 and arrived in Wellington on 6 October, 1880, with Captain Kelly in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post for Thursday, 7 October, 1880.



As we surmised yesterday, the vessel signalled turned out to be the Wave Queen, from London. She was brought in by Pilot Holmes at 6.30 last evening, and anchored in the powder ground. She brings about 25 passengers, who have arrived in good health, and appear well pleased with the treatment they received on board, judging from a flattering address presented to Captain Kelly on arrival. The passage out seems to have been uneventful. The barque left London on the 19th June, and up to the time of crossing the line, on the 3rd August, had a continuance of light variable weather. Cape of Good Hope was passed on the 27th August, and Tasmania on the 26th September, Cape Farewell was made on Tuesday last, and, com­ing through the Strait with a light N.W. wind, arrived as above. Messrs. W. & G. Turnbull are agents.


The following is a list of her passengers:-


Second Cabin:-


Mrs. and Miss Boyd; Charles, Ellen and Edgar Holmwood; J. Small; William Mason; Frederick Ingle; A. Tankard; T. Redfern and Harold Ensor.



James and Ed­ward Sims; Samuel (2). James, Harry, Evelyne, and Mrs. Heller; Hugh Kerr; John Hamilton; J. Goodwin; John Katjhar; George Cousins and T. Prowse.




Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2011