The TARAWERA departed Sydney on 14 September, 1893 and arrived in Auckland on 19 September, 1893 with Captain Chatfield in command.


Transcribed from the Auckland Star, 20 September 1893, Page 4




The steamer Tarawera, from Sydney, which arrived yesterday morning with measles on board, was permitted to berth at the Quay-street Jetty last evening. Captain Chatfield reports that the steamer left Sydney at 2.40 p.m. on the 14th inst., cleared the Heads an hour later, passed the Three Kings at 1.50 p.m. on the 18th, and rounded the North Cape at 5.23 p.m. the same day. She experienced hail and rain storms at the outset of the trip, and afterwards variable weather and seas to arrival.

She brought the following passengers for this port:—

Misses - Jackson, A. Frankham, Brodridd,

Mesdames - Yates and 2 children, F. C. Bolton, 2 children and 2 servants, Topp, P. S. Smallfield, Levinson, J. Murray, Cock, Friend and child, Harrison, C. A. Harris and 2 children, Hecksherer and boy, Davis and child, Moore, Jones,

Messrs - Rev. P. S. Smallfield, J. Murray, Friend, Cock, H. Wardell, E. C. Ellis, J. W. Lahey, T. W. Willis, O. Strachley, D. Bushwell, Johnston, D. Johnston, R. L. Carland, Carter, M. Hautrive, D. Smith, Hovvell, Topp, F. C. Bolton, Freme, Lloyd, Yates, Messenger and 80 in the steerage.

For Gisborne:

Mr and Mrs J. J. Beatty, Mr J. Searl and 3 in the steerage.

For Napier: four in the steerage.

For Wellington: Misses Cooper (2), Master Cooper, Mr C. F. Vallance and 4 in the steerage.

For Lyttelton: Miss McCulloch and 3 in the steerage.

For Dunedin: Mr G. Augenson and 2 in the steerage.



Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2012