The TAINUI departed London on 19 March, 1891 and arrived in Wellington on 5 May, 1891.
Captain E J  Evans was in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 5 May 1891, Page 2




The R.M.S.Tainui, Captain Evans, left Plymouth at 3.30 pm on 2lst March, and exceptionally fine weather and smooth sea was experienced to Teneriffe, which was reached at 7.20 am on 20th March, when 16 passengers disembarked ; left at 2.30pm same day, and the weather experienced in the Tropics was pleasant. The Equator was crossed on the 2nd April, and from this time to arrival at Capetown at 10.30 am on 11th April strong SE trades were experienced, and generally the passage was exceptionally fine and pleasant. At the Cape 10 passengers landed and 14 embarked, and she left again at 8.15 pm same day. Fine weather, with light SW winds were experienced up to the 15th. After which the wind freshened, and varied from SW to NW, with fine, clear weather. Arrived off Hobart at 2.30 pm on 30th April, where 45 passengers disembarked; after discharging 220 tons cargo she proceeded for Wellington at 6 next morning, arriving at noon to-day. Various amusements and entertainments were indulged in during the voyage, the theatrical performances particularly being a great success, and much appreciated by all. The health of both passengers and crew has been good throughout, and there have been no deaths.

Following is a list of her passengers:-

For Wellington:


Mr P. Dueroz



Misses - Adams, Peterson and Witney (2)

Mrs Adams,

Messrs - J. Bradley, E. Burnett, J. Hulme, A. Whittaker, and F. Wright


For other ports:


Mrs and Miss Ruddenklau

Rev A. Blaker

Messrs A. Duff, C. Canning and Ruddenklau


Second saloon:

Miss M. Hall

Mr and Mrs Wood and family (4)

Mr and Mrs Jones

Messrs - E. Baldwin, H, Shaw, N. Glassford, and A. Jopp

89 steerage



Transcribed from the Star, 5 May 1891, Page 3


ARRIVAL OF THE TAINUI. Wellington, May 5. The Tainui from London via way ports, entered the Heads at 11.30 a.m. She had an uneventful passage. Her dates are London, March 19; Plymouth, March 21; Teneriffe, March 26; Capetown, April 11; Hobart, April 30.

Passengers for Christchurch –

First saloon:

The Rev A. C. Blake

Mr and Mrs J. G. Ruddenklau


Second saloon:

Mr E. S. Baldwin

Miss M. E. Hall


Third saloon:

Mr and Mrs A. Gates

Miss S. J. Magson


Dr J. W. Pare succeeds Dr Richardson as surgeon of the Tainui.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2012