The SYDENHAN departed London on 2 November, 1880, and arrived in Auckland on 21 March, 1881. Captain R T Miller was in command.


Transcribed from the Auckland Star, 22 March 1881, Page 2.




About 10 o'clock this forenoon the signal denoting "a barque outside Tiritiri" was observed on the Mount Victoria signal staff and about 11 a.m. It was altered to "Inside Tiritiri." the prevailing opinion was that the vessel was the Sydenham, barque, from London, and the opinion was confirmed on the arrival of the s.s. Glenelg, which went alongside on the passage from Tauranga, when just outside Tiritiri, and threw several papers on board. Owing to the strong southerly breeze and ebb tide, she will not reach the harbour until 7 or 8 p.m. The Sydenham is now 114 days out from London, and brings about 100 passengers reported all well. She is consigned to the New Zealand Shipping Company Limited.    

The New Zealand Shipping Co's Sydenham Capt. R. T. Miller, left London on November 2, for Auckland, consigned to the New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd.

Passengers :-


Mrs Jane Dunstan

Mr Henry D. Murray

Mr William Murray

Mr Henry L. Murray

Rev. Joseph Berry

Mrs Agnes Berry

Miss Kate Berry

Mr Percy Berry

Miss Lily Berry

Miss Nina Berry

Mr George Osborne Berry

Miss Constance Berry

Miss Kate Anderson

Mr Thomas Whitelaw

Mr William Whitelaw

Mr George Whitelaw

Mr William Hunt

Mrs S. J. Hunt

Mr F. W. Hunt

Mr Frank Hunt

Mr Charles Hunt

Mr Herbert Hunt

Mr Percy Hunt

Miss Edith Hunt

Mr Harry Hunt

Mr Alfred Hunt

Mr Earnest Hunt

Miss Gertrude Hunt

Miss Emily O'Brien Hunt

Dr. H. Haines


Second Cabin:

Miss Agnes Roberts

Miss Harriet Bennett

Mr Wm. Williams

Mr Arnold Williams

Mr Hugh Williams

Miss Caroline Davis

Mr Butler

Mrs Butler

Mr Geo. Butler

Mr H. Butler

Mr M. Butler

Mr J. W. Butler

Miss Laura Butler

Miss Hotring

Mr J. Gilmore

Mrs Mary E. Gilmore

Miss Adelina Gilmore

Mr Arnold Gilmore

Mr Percy Gilmore

Miss Mary Gilmore

Miss Emma Astin

Miss M. Astin

Mr William Dunn

Mr Cottingham Willis

Mrs Olga L. Willis

Miss Elizabeth L. Willis

Miss Mary E. Willis

Miss Helen O. Willis

Mrs Steel and child

Miss E Poole

Mr Arthur Hawkes

Mrs Isabella Hamlin

Mr Cottingham Willis, jun.

Mr John Willis

Mr Guy Willis

Mr Wm. Willis

Miss Annie Samson

Mr Frederick J. Brooks

Miss Elizabeth Palmer

Mr Frank Hamlin



Wm. Henry Hamblin

Mary Allen

Helen Horrocks

Lawrence Williams

Thomas Demment

Caroline Demment

Minnie C. Demment

Thos. Smeaton

John Firth

Geo. Mogford

James Gibson

Thos. Vinson

Fanny Vinson

Fanny Vinson

Frederick W. Vinson

Arthur Vinson

Charles Vinson

Septimus Vinson

Thomas Moore

Robert Froude

Prissilla Froude

Emmeline Froude

Robert H. Froude

Mabel P. Froude

Lizzie W. Fronde

Mildred Froude

Ethel M. Froude

John Purdie

Walter Purdie

Mary Purdie

Jane Purdie

Agnes Purdie

Hugh Purdie

James Purdie

Margaret Purdie

William Steele

William G. Baker

Thomas Mackey

Margaret C. Hutchinson

Sarah A. Hutchinson

George W. Hutchinson

Tilson Smith

Robert Heron

Agnes Heron

Annie Heron

Gilbert Heron

Janet Heron

Robert Heron

James McMurtrie

Katherine McMurtrie

Annie McMurtrie

Margaret Gillivray

Donald Gordon

Alexander Cowie

Hugh McMurtrie

Mary McMurtrie

Thomas McMurtrie

Andrew McMurtrie

Hugh Mc Murtrie

Janet Bosland

Alfred Hall

Frederick Rutherford

Peter Gordon

Mrs Gordon

Wm. Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon

Wm. Legge


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2012