Departed London and arrived in Auckland on 18 December, 1850 with

Captain A. W. Barclay in command.

Passengers -

Miss Henrietta Clinton

Miss Mary Fletcher

Miss Lucy Entwistle

George Taylor

John Taylor

Wm Baines

John Reynolds, wife, and three children

N Gifford, wife, and two children

A Abraham, wife, five children and servant

J B Greaves, wife, and four children, and servant

J Rees, wife, and four children

A Burgess

Henry Curtis

Miss Mary Taylor

Mrs. Barclay

Mr A Buckland and wife

Charles Bardsworth

B Reynolds

John Reynolds

George Isaacs

Henry Isaacs

Richard Rathbone, and son

T B Woodham, wife and two children

Walter Pratt

John Robertson wife and child

Miss Eliza Main

Mrs J Martin and two children

Thomas Martin

J Govin

Wm Dive

Henry Smith

Wm Hay

T George wife and child

J Kelsey

A Thompson

Agents - Brown and Campbell

The Sir Edward Paget left St. Katherine's Dock on the 15th and sailed

from the Downs on the 12th August.She experienced good weather

throughout; she has brought seventy passengers for New Zealand, the

majority of whom will remain in Auckland - the others will proceed by

her to New Plymouth.One of the passengers, Mrs. Martin, a relation of

our townsman Mr. Robertson, of the Auckland Rope Works, died when the

vessel was within but a short distance or our shores.

In the same publication the following death notice:


At Sea, on board the Sir Edward Paget,on the 10th December, Mrs Janet

Martin, late of Wigtonshire, Galloway, Scotland, aged 54 years.

Transcribed from The New Zealander, Saturday, 21 December, 1850.