The RUAPEHU departed London on 22 March 1905 and arrived in Wellington on 8 May 1905 via Plymouth, Capetown and Hobart, with Captain Francis Mayoss in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post 27 April 1905, Page 6.



The passengers by the New Zealand Shipping Company’ steamer Ruapehu, due from London about the 8th May, include the following in the saloon:-

The Right Rev. Bishop of Christchurch and Mrs. Julius

The Rev. H. H. King and Mrs. King

The Rev. R. W. Farquhar and Mrs. Farquhar

Dr. N. G. McAllum, Mrs. McAllum, Miss McAllum

Mrs. F. H. Logan

Miss E. Pratt

Mr. R. K. McDermott

Mr. G. E. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bedford

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillett, Miss Gillett

Mr. and Mrs. Goring-Thomas

Miss A. B. Brown

Miss B. Cannon

Miss J. Dunsmuir

Mrs. K. Gann and son.

Miss F. N. Gittens

Miss E. Howarth

Miss M. P. Linscott

Miss L. Roskrugh

Miss M. Tafft

Mr. E. A. Brown

Mr. J. E. Ferguson

Mr. J. A. Hamilton

Mr. L. Hughes

Mr. C. Slater

Mr. J. Story

Mr. F. M. Veale

Mr. R. W. White


In the third class the Ruapehu carries rather more than 70 passengers. Captain Mayoss is in command of the vessel.


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Transcribed from the Evening Post 9 May 1905, Page 4.


The vessel brought the following passengers in addition to that published previously:-

Second Saloon –

From Capetown for Lyttelton

Miss S. M. Kenelly

Mrs. Reading

Messrs – E. Reading, J. Patterson

For Napier

Mr. Worsdell

Hobart for Wellington

Mr. Dalrymple


Third Class –

Capetown for Wellington

Misses Simpson (2)

Mesdames – Barford, Simpson, L. R. Waite,

Messrs - W. Beck, R. Bowen, H. Cochrane, A. Ewart, A. McConchie, G Oliver, E. Prendeville, B. Smith, J. Victor, A. Welsdrup, R. Winchester

Masters Simpson (4)

The total number of passengers by the vessel was 125 – 5 first class, 28 second and 92 third.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2017