The RUAHINE departed London on 1 February, 1893 and arrived in Auckland on 4 April, 1893.
Captain John Bone was in command.


Transcribed from the Auckland Star, 4 April 1893, Page 3.

Ruahine, S.S., Bone (R.N.R.), from London, via Teneriffe, St. Helena, Capetown, and Hobart.



Miss R. Elahan

Mr R. Barton

Mr W. Blackwood

Miss Blackwood

Mr, Mrs, the Misses (2) and Masters (2) Bovill

Captain Cashman, R.N.,


R. E. Burroughes

M. J. Chubb

T. G. Denman and Mrs Denman

Mr H. J. Eyre and Miss Eyre

Mrs E. Forbes

Dr. A. Gane

the Misses Gurney

Messrs C. and E. R. Greigson

Mr H. Harding

Miss A. L. Hunt

Miss J. Hunter

Rev. G. and Mrs Kempson

Miss Labalmondiere

Dr. R. Laidlaw

Mr H. Large

Miss L. Lee

Miss McAndrew

Captain Marling



J. C. Peyton

M. J. Pilcher

J. B. Preston

F. Pyman

J. Robertson

G. Rowlandson

L. Ryder

W. Small

H. D. Young

Captain French

Mr B. yon Veith


G. Warne

J. White

and Max Keitel

Miss J. Annesley

Miss Burns


R. J. Cox

R. D. Fell


J. C. Grier, jun.

Miss Helwood

Mr H. J. Lock

Mr W. A. Martin

Miss M. Melhaists

Mrs M. Newton

Mr and Mrs H. Palmer


A. Powell

P. Roberts

H. W. Rowan

H. Thomas

and J. Deakin

Miss M. Thompson

Mrs Kater

Mr H. W. Anderson

the Misses Archy (5)


T. Baker

E. Beardmore

J. Begley

A. Boniface

J. Clements

Master Fowler

Mr, Mrs, Master, and Miss Galbraith

Mr, Mrs, Master, and Miss Godfrey

Mr J. A. Hatswell

the Misses Irvine (2)

Mr, Mrs Masters (4), and Misses (2) Harrison

Mr W. and the Misses Jermyn (3)

Miss E. Langley

Messrs C. and T. Lunt

Mr W. Madden

Mrs J. Majors


H. Martin

J. O'Connor

T. Ruddy


C. Stevens

T. Ward

E. J. Waters

T. Wigham

H. Wright


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012