The ROB ROY departed Gravesend on 25 March 1866 and arrived in Auckland on 19 July 1866. Captain Sangster was in command.


Transcribed from the New Zealand Herald, 20 July 1866, Page 3



Yesterday morning considerable excitement was manifested by the signal for a ship being hoisted at the North Shore signal station, and the flagstaff over the New Zealand Herald. Many anxious citizens who expected friends and shipments by the ship Monarch, now long overdue (155 days out), were on the qui vive, and anxiously waiting the vessel's number to be hoisted. Owing to light airs and calms prevailing throughout the day, the stranger was not made out at and Messrs. Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., the agents for the Monarch and Rob Roy, with the object of relieving public suspense, chartered the ferry steamer Enterprise for the purpose of ascertaining what ship had hove in sight. To those gentlemen we are indebted for a passage, thus enabling us to obtain the vessel’s report. On the Enterprise arriving alongside the ship, she proved to be our old acquaintance and friend the Rob Roy, Captain Sangster, 116 day out from Gravesend, bringing a large cargo and 61 passengers. Full particulars will be found below.

The Rob Roy left Gravesend on the 25th March, and had baffling winds down channel, landing the pilot at Start Point on the 31st; passed outside the Cape de Verde Islands sighting Madiera; had middling N.E. trade winds; crossed the Equator on the 3rd May in 45° west, and experienced very good S.E. trades, making a good run to the Cape of Good Hope, the meridian of which she crossed on the 18th May. Experienced very heavy weather in running down her easting, and has been for several weeks detained in the vicinity of this coast, in consequence of the continued prevalence of heavy N.E. gales preventing her from rounding the North Cape. No vessels connected with the colonies were spoken during the passage.

The ship has arrived in her usual clean and orderly condition. The passengers are in good health, there being no sickness during the passage, and they all speak in the highest terms of Captain Sangster and his officers.

The only casualty that occurred was in the S.E. trade, when, during a heavy breeze, she sprung her forecast head.

Nothing whatever was seen of the ship Monarch, which sailed more than a month before the Rob Roy, and the general impression is that she has met with some misfortune during a heavy gale at sea, and put into either the Cape of Good Hope or Mauritius for repairs.



Ensign Wynyard,

Ensign Milner,

Alfred Collings,

A.H. Collings,

Mary Duff,

Alfred Duff,


Second Cabin:

James and Isabella Walker,

Edwin Black,

Henry Gurney,

Antoine and Francisca and Sela Tenterberg (Teutenberg),*

John Thomas,

Francis Grey,

Carl Jansen,

John Moor,

Mary Sullivan,

William Genard,

Louisa Whitbread,

Michael Kerrisk,

Elizabeth James,

Archibald McEwan,

Arthur Whitling,

George, Martha, George, Esther, Thomas, Harry, Annie, and Louisa Phillips,

James Jarrod,

William and Annie Camnur,

Alfred Trent,

Alfred Furniss,

Oliver Bicknell,

Joseph Mason,

Joseph Henry Tucker,

George Carrol,

Alfred Markham,

Thomas Smith,

Rhoda, Bridget, Thomas, William, and Johanna Maher,

Rachael Nesbitt,

Patrick Egan,

Mary Egan,

Sarah Rhoda,

Frederick, Sarah, and Fanny Marter,

Patrick Slattery,

Mary McCleery,

Ann Kearns,

John Murphy,

William Treadgold

Total 61.


Trades — 7 female servants; 1 architect; 1 gunmaker; 1 mason; 5 carpenters; 3 labourers; 1 female cook; 5 farmers; 1 plumber; 1 butcher; 1 teacher; 1 saddler, and 1 coach builder.


*Below is a transcription from the appendix of this book regarding Anton Teutenberg:

Cresswell, John C. M., and James B. Duncan, Teutenberg: a master engraver and his work, Numismatic Society of New Zealand, Auckland, 2007


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2014