The ROB ROY departed London 8 August, 1860 and arrived in Auckland on 24 November, 1860. Captain James Bride was in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 27 November 1860, Page 3


November 26 - Rob Roy, 822 tons, J. Bridie, from London.

Passengers -


Mr. and Mrs. Tagg

Lieut. Armstrong

Eliza S. Armstrong

Emily Goldsbro

F. H. Daniell

Jacob Bryan

B. Middleton

E. Seymour

Win. H. Armstrong

Frederick Mallett

Henry Edmund Goldsbro

William G. Armstrong

E. A. Goldsbro



John, Sophia Ellyett

William Denham

Benjamin, Elizabeth, Mary, Edith, John, Alexander, Christopher, Jeffrey, Birtha,Thos., Lachlan, Reginald, John Maclean

W. F. Phillips

Henry, Annie Atkins

A. J. Hicks

James, Dorothea, Christina, Catherine, Williamina Rosie

Benjamin Emanuel

John Gallagher

Peter Vosper

W. H. Wilson

Andrew, Catherine Macqueen

Walter Watson

James, Bridgett, Ann, Edward, Mary Farrell

Tom Humby

Walter, Esther Deans

J. B., Annie Carr

William, Eliza, William, James Boult

George, Marion, James McGuflie

Alexander Kennedy

Julius Wenkheim

Lewis Samson

Thomas Williams

Joseph, Hannah Franklin

Rebecca Smith

Sarah Slade

Sarah Narramore

Wm. J. Ballard

Cordelia Wakeling

Mary Ann Martell

Sarah Hughes

Caroline Annett

G. W. Norris


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