The RIMUTAKA departed London on 3 January 1903 and arrived in Wellington on 19 February 1903,

via Capetown and Hobart. Captain Herbert Greenstreet was in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 20 February 1901, Page 3.



True to her time, the steamer Rimutaka the latest addition to the New Zealand Shipping Co's fleet — steamed into port shortly before 7 o'clock last evening, after making a fast run from Hobart, her last port of call. A full description of the vessel has already been published. The Rimutaka left London on 3rd January, and called at Plymouth on the 4th to embark passengers and mails, leaving again at 7 pm on the 5th. On the run to Teneriffe she experienced strong gales and a heavy beam sea, during which the ship behaved splendidly. The voyage through the tropics was of the usual fine description. After calling at Capetown moderate and mild weather experienced across the Southern Ocean. Hobart was reached on the 15th instant, and the voyage was continued the same day, the steamer arriving here as above. The voyage throughout was a most agreeable one.

Her passengers for Welliington are as follows:

Saloon — Misses Handyside, Kirkcaldie (2), Scarth (2), Skime, Wall, Mesdames Handyside, Scarth, Kirkcaldie, Messrs Kirkcaldie, Scarth, Holliday, Waite. Second Class — Misses Couch, Mills, Mesdames Seales, Thompson, Sergeants Buckley, Hunter. Corporal Fulton, Gunner Searle, Troopers Saxby, Wilson, Jamieson, Messrs Mills, White, Young. Third class — Miss Upsall, Mesdames. Butler, Engail, Gloyn, Messrs Allen, Henderson, Gardner, Gloyn (2), Grant, Houldsworth, Fell, Leighton, McDonald, Mowat, Riddell, Walker, Wheeler, Oldfleld, Clarke (from Hobart), Turner (2). There are also 102 passengers for other ports.


Transcribed from the Auckland Herald, 23 February 1901.

Passengers for Auckland are as follows:

Saloon – Misses N. E. Borland, Childs (2), E. E. Dundas, K. Turnbull, Messrs – J. E. Borland, W. Boyle, R. W. Dundas, T. S. Johnson, H. A. Turner, T. E. Westray, Second Class – Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Messrs L. Cole, J. P. Goodwin, G. C. Lee, S. Martin, H. Sharp, Woodrow and 17 third class.

Copyright - Gavin W Petrie - June 2020