The OCEAN MAIL departed Gravesend on 9th October, 1873 and arrived in 
Auckland on 2 February, 1874. Captain Watson was in command.

Transcribed from the Evening Post, 2 February 1874, Page 2

The ship Ocean Mail, Captain Watson, arrived in harbor this morning, after an extraordinary quick
passage of only 72 days from Plymouth, where she had to put in, her whole passage from Gravesend,
including this detention, being completed within 82 days. The Ocean Mail brings 260 statute adult 
Government immigrants, who are reported by signal to be all well. The weather was too rough to allow 
of a boat being sent off to her; but the Luna was sent off this afternoon, with the Harbor, Customs, 
Health and Immigration authorities. Shortly after the Luna arrived alongside, the yellow flag was seen
to be run up at the main, and a little later both vessels proceeded to the Quarantine Station. It is
evident the sickness, what-ever it be, cannot be very serious, as the Luna was lashed close alongside,
instead of keeping at the end of a tow line. Probably there may be some slight infantine complaint,
which renders fumigation and cleansing a prudent precaution. The Ocean Mail is consigned to Messrs
Johnston and Co. agents for the new Zealand Shipping Company.

Transcribed from the Evening Post, 3 February 1874, Page 2

The following is Captain Watson's report of the passage of the Ocean Mail:- Left Plymouth at 1.30pm. 
on 15th November, 1873. Got north-easterly breezes for four days, then, a week, of southerly winds, 
near Madeira, which much protracted the voyage. Got the north-east trades in latitude 26 degrees 
north, which were very light and baffling. Crossed the Equator on 6th December, at midnight, in 
longitude 31deg 21min west. Got south-east trades in 3deg 50min north, which were light and variable. 
Passed the meridian of Cape Aguillas on 1st January, in latitude 44deg south; passed south of the 
Crozets, and ran the easting down in latitude 48 south. Passed the Snares on 27th January, and on the 
28th was off Dunedin, 74 days out. From thence to this port experienced, calms and north-west breezes, 
which prolonged the passage very much. The health, &c., of the emigrants on the whole has been very 
good. Five deaths (all children) have occurred within the past month from whooping cough. Three cases 
of scarlatina appeared amongst the children, but all had got well again. Unfortunately, another case 
made its appearance on Sunday, or the sanitary conditions of the ship would have been "all well." 

This passenger list was transcribed from the images on the Family Search website.

Age Adult/ Gender County Occupation



GOUGH Jos. Alex. 42 A male Middlesex Gl. Labourer

Thirza 41 A female

Elizabeth 16 A female Middlesex Servant

Hannah 14 A female

Alice M 12 A female

Edwin H 11 A male

Francis 10 C female

Joseph R 9 C male

Charles 7 C male

Walter B 4 C male

Ruth 2 C female

Phoebe 4m C female

SMITH Henry 26 A male Warwickshire Farm Labourer

Ann 28 A female

George 4 C male

Emily 6 C female

Harriet 2 C female

William 2m C male

SYMES Matthew J 29 A male Middlesex Genl. Labourer

Mary 30 A female

Annie 9 C female

James 6 C male

Francis 4 C male

Charles 1m C male

SHAW Francis 40 A male Yorks Farm Labourer

Martha 40 A female

Newman 19 A male Yorks Farm Labourer

Hannah 16 A female Yorkshire Dressmaker

Jane E 15 A female Yorkshire Servant

George 13 A male

Mary 11 C female

Harrison 9 C male

Elizabeth 6 C female

BARRATT Joseph 42 A male Warwickshire Labourer

Eliza 37 A female

Lucy 19 A female Warwickshire Servant

Fanny 16 A female

Kate 12 A female

Edward 9 C male

Walter 7 C male

Ada 3 C female

Betsy 1 C female

BILLETT James 23 A male Wilts Labourer

Emma 25 A female

EAGLES Francis 30 A male Oxfordshire Farm Labourer

Sarah 26 A female

James 6 C male

Lucy 3 C female

Emma C female

Samuel 2m C male

MILLS James 27 A male Dorset Painter

Eliza 26 A female

Mabel 4 C female

Edgar C male

RICHARDSON James 24 A male Essex Labourer

Jane 25 A female

Jane 4 C female

Caroline 3 C female

Rosina 11m C female

PAGE John 32 A male Kent Labourer

Mary A 29 A female

Emma 4 C female

William 3 C male

MACKETT Edward 43 A male Kent Gardener

Ann 39 A female

Laura 20 A female Surrey Servant

Ada 18 A female Kent

Louisa 12 A female

DAVIS George 31 A male Middlesex Bootmaker

Charlotte 27 A female

George 4 C male

Elizabeth 2 C female

William 3m C male

BUTLER Frederic 39 A male Middlesex Labourer

Sarah 37 A female

Sarah 16 A female Surrey Servant

GREEN Archibald 28 A male Sulfolk Carman

Mary 28 A female

Sarah 3 C female

Charles 9m C male

PEAGRAM Samuel 44 A male Essex Farm Labourer

Elizabeth 44 A female

Phoebe 10 C female

John 5 C male

SILBERY Joseph 23 A male Lancashire Carpenter

Emily 23 A female

William 8m C male

KNIGHT William 34 A male Hants Farm Labourer

Elizth. 39 A female

William 9 C male

James 6 C male

Maurice 2 C male

HEIGHTON Nathaniel 31 A male Leicestershire Bricklayer

Sarah 36 A female

Jane 9 C female

George 6 C male

Arthur 4 C male

GREGORY Henry 23 A male Wilts Labourer

Jane 25 A female

Annie 5 C female

BOHEE James 35 A male Hants Labourer

Amelia 35 A female

William 8 C male

Anne 6 C female

Caroline 4 C female

George 2 C male

SMITH Francis 31 A male Yorks Farm Labourer

Mary 33 A female

YAPP Alban 34 A male Herefordshire Engine Driver

Mary 31 A female

SULLIVAN John 28 A male Cork Labourer

Catherine 20 A female

James 2 C female

Anne 2m C female

GILBERT James E 35 A male Middlesex Labourer

Mary A 25 A female

SABLOWSKI Gottfred 22 A male Germany Labourer

Lusene 27 A female

Families & Children Selected by the Emigrant and Colonial Aid Society

GIBBS William 34 A male Wilts Labourer

Elizabeth 27 A female

SEXTON Thomas 28 A male Middlesex Blacksmith

Harriet 28 A female

Mary A 10 C female

Thomas 8 C male

Edward 6 C male

Emily 4 C female

Harriet 5m C female

GOSLING Benjn. 44 A male Norfolk Carpenter

Mary 38 A female

Benj. Jas. 16 A male Norfolk Carpenter

Charlotte 6 C female

Alice 4 C female

Ellen 3 C female

PARRETT Wm. Fras. 34 A male Middlesex Plumber

Julia M 34 A female

Ada 10 C female

William 8 C male

Frank 4 C male

George 2 C male

KEEN James 35 A male Roscommon Farm Labourer

Emily 37 A female

John 10 C male

James 7 C male

Emily 6 C female

Joseph 4 C male

KNIGHT Samuel 34 A male Middlesex Farm Labourer

Frances 29 A female

Saml. 10 C male

Fanny 8 C female

Edward 6 C male

Amelia 3 C female

Richard 5m C male

WORSFOLD Henry 36 A male Middlesex Sawyer

Margt. 36 A female

Robert 13 A male Middlesex

Henry 10 C male

George 7 C male

John 3 C male

WORSFOLD Edwin 33 A male Middlesex Sawyer

Ellen 33 A female

Henry 10 C male

George 8 C male

Frank 6 C male

Emily 4 C female

Charles 1 C male

WHEELER Henry 25 A male Gloucestershire Sawyer

Ellen 24 A female

Henry 1 C male

Thomas 3m C male

MORRIS James 34 A male Middlesex Farm Labourer

Mary 28 A female

Lydia 7 C female

Esther 5 C female

James 3 C male

Alice 10m C female

HISCOCK Henry 32 A male Surrey Sawyer

Mary 28 A female

William 4 C male

Mary 1 C female

Robert 36 A male Surrey Sawyer

SHAILER George 25 A male Bucks Carpenter

Septuagesima 24 A female

Susannah 7 C female

Jessie 5 C female

Clara 3 C female

Ada 1 C female

ROBINSON John 44 A male Antrim Labourer

Ellen 34 A female

Rachael 13 A female Antrim

John 4 C male

Joseph 1 C male

SPOONER William 29 A male Surrey Blacksmith

Mary 28 A female

Sarah 5 C female

Rose 7m C female

MORRIS Thomas 31 A male Middlesex Farm Labourer

Susan 28 A female

WEATHERLEY Henry 35 A male Middlesex Farm Labourer

Sarah 30 A female

Henry 14 A male Middlesex

Alice 12 A female Middlesex

Emily 10 C female

Ernest 8 C male

Rose 6 C female

Silence 2 C female

SEXTON William 21 A male Kent Blacksmith

Elizth. 20 A female

FULLER Henry 27 A male Hunts Labourer

Emma 27 A female

Robert 7 C male

HURDLE Joseph 22 A male Kent Sawyer

Mary 23 A female

JONES John 38 A male Salop Sawyer

Ann 34 A female

Mary 15 A female Shropshire

Alathea 13 A female Shropshire

Anne 11 C female

Rosetta 7 C female

Alice 6 C female

EVANS Solomon 29 A male Salop Platelayer

Ann 27 A female

Mary 6 C female

Margt. 5m C female

CROOK John 32 A male Bucks Farm Labourer

Hannah 31 A female

Mary A 8 C female

Jno. Wm. 7 C male

Sarah A 5 C female

Henry C male

DIXON Thomas 44 A male Armagh Labourer

Elizth. 39 A female

Mary A 12 A female Armagh

Ann 10 C female

Elizabeth 9 C female

Yalse V 9 C female

Henry 5 C male

Emily 4 C female

George 3m C male

BOWDEN William 24 A male Devon Hatter

Emma 22 A female

Lilian 1 C female

William 8m C male

MCDONNELL Allan 28 A male Antrim Mason

Margt. 28 A female

Ann 4 C female

Mary 2 C female

John 1m C male

BAYBUT John 36 A male Lancashire Miner

Margt. 35 A female

Joseph 12 A male Lancashire

Daniel 11 C male

Thomas 10 C male

HERD Thos. S 27 A male Middlesex Fireman

Jane 33 A female

Thos. Jno. 6m C male

SNOW John 33 A male Middlesex Plasterer

Elizabeth 33 A female

John 11 C male

Samuel 9 C male

JUSTIN John 43 A male Notts Blacksmith

Emma 43 A female

Eliza 21 A female Notts Servant

Emma 13 A female

Arthur 5 C male

Daniel 9m C male

CHANT George 22 A male New Zealand Mariner

Phoebe 22 A female

George 2m C male


COUCHMAN Chas. 22 A male Kent Labourer

CHINN Wm. A 21 A male Dorsetshire Porter

GRIX Julian J D 24 A male Surrey Labourer

BLACKWELL F W 21 A male Warwickshire Wheelwright

KELLAR John 21 A male Kerry Labourer

HODGES William 20 A male Kent Mechanic

PEAGRAM Samuel 20 A male Middlesex Navvy

BEARD John 21 A male Middlesex Labourer

SAMPSON Sidney S 28 A male Guernsey Mason

FORSTER John 25 A male India Gl. Labourer

RATCLIFFE Wm. 14 A male Middlesex

WARD Henry 22 A male Yorks Blacksmith

DUST William 17 A male Middlesex Bookseller

BETHELL John 20 A male Middlesex Postman

HARMAN Chas. A 24 A male Kent Labourer

BRYANT Edward 30 A male Kent Labourer

GEAL Thomas 23 A male Sussex Labourer

SKIPAGE Charles 22 A male Middlesex Painter

YOUNG Robert 23 A male Roxburghshire Labourer

SCOWN Charles 23 A male Cornwall Farm Labourer

Single Men Selected by the Emigrant and Colonial Aid Society

PRENDERGAST Thos. 24 A male Mayo Labourer

CLARK James 23 A male Lincolnshire Carriage Maker

CHINN Hy. Edwin 16 A male Dorsetshire Porter

CONNOR Simon 24 A male Kerry Labourer

TANNER Enos. 23 A male Gloucestershire Labourer

CRAWFORD Robert 20 A male Kircudbrightshire Agril. Labourer

WINTER George 24 A male Leicestershire Labourer


PHILLIPS Catherine 19 A female Middlesex Servant

MOIR Susan A 21 A female Forfarshire Farm Servant

SHARP Helen 16 A female Forfarshire Servant

DRURY Ann E 29 A female Middlesex Housemaid
RICHMOND Jemmima 31 A female Middlesex Cook

HOULDEN Annie 20 A female Lincolnshire Gl. Servant

CHRISTIANSEN Josephine 23 A female Norway Servant

O'DELL Kate 17 A female Limerick Servant

MARSHMAN Mary A 20 A female Middlesex Housemaid

DAWSON Emily M 27 A female Guernsey Servant

BECKWAY Caroline 24 A female Kent Cook

MCCLELLAND Elizth. 44 A female Kent MATRON

SHAYLOR Elizth. 20 A female Gloucestershire Housemaid

APSEY Laura 13 A female Middlesex

HOHMAN Fredericka 25 A female Germany Servant

Single Women Selected by the Emigrant and Colonial Aid Society

CONNOR Anne 21 A female Kerry Servant
CONNOR Johanna 19 A female Kerry Servant

SAUNDERS Mary 30 A femake Devon Machnist

SINCOX Sarah 24 A female Warwickshire Nursemaid

MARTIN Catherine 19 A female Cornwall Servant
PARDON Celia 18 A female Cornwall Dressmaker

ROONEY Mary J 19 A female Galway Servant

AISHER Harriet 38 A female Herts
MOORE Frederic 9 C male

MOORE Cathe. 3 C female

WESCH Martha M 24 A female Middlesex Cook

JENING Janet 21 A female Dumfrieshire Servant

DEVERILL Elizth. 21 A female Wilts Servant

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Copyright - Gavin W Petrie - 2013