The MAORI departed London on 26 September, 1866 and arrived in Auckland on 24 January, 1867, with Captain D F Roberts in command.


Transcribed from Daily Southern Cross, Friday, 25 January 1867, Page 4



The good ship Maori, Captain D. F. Roberts, made the harbour early yesterday , morning from London, after a pleasant but somewhat protracted passage of 117 days. The Maori left Auckland on the 4th of April last, under charter to her Majesty's Government for the conveyance of detachments of the 68th and 43rd Regiments. Colonel Mould and family and Colonel Carey, were also passengers on the occasion, and the vessel reached her destination after a pleasant run of 93 days. After discharging Government cargo she was laid on again for Auckland, and left a full ship on the 4th of September. Owing, however, to a continuance of adverse winds, she was unable to take her final departure until the 26th September; and after having ridden out several gales in the Channel roadsteads, during a prevalence of the equinoxials, she passed the Isle of Wight on the day named. On the 10th of October passed and sighted the Island of Madeira, with variable westerly winds, which continued for several days afterwards. Made the passage inside the Cape de Verde Islands, and on the 4th of November, in 24° W., reached the equator 38 days out from the Isle of Wight. Had favourable winds generally, and made the Cape of Good Hope on the 4th December, 68 days out, in latitude 44° 37 S. On the following day, in latitude 45° S., 211° E., spoke the ship Sir Harry Parkes, bound to China from London. On the same day, December 5th, at 3 p.m., fell in with an iceberg, about 270 feet in height, in shape resembling a sugar-loaf laid longitudinally. The vessel was then in latitude 45° 37 S., longitude 112° 20. At 5.30 the same evening passed another iceberg, apparently of smaller dimensions; and on the following day, in latitude 46° 43 S., longitude 118° 19, spoke the barque Monkchester, from London to Brisbane, 78 days out, the captain of which reported having seen the ice alluded to. On December 7, in latitude 46° 29 S., longitude 122° 34 E., passed more ice, and saw the last on the 30th of December, at 7 p.m., in longitude 126° 48, latitude 46° 41. On the 5th instant, rounded Tasmania in 46° S., 147° 40 E., having experienced a succession of easterly winds since the 14th of December, when the vessel was in 33° 51 S., 171° 15 B. Sighted the Three Kings on the 17th instant, and had variable winds down the coast.

The Maori brings a full general cargo and 77 passengers, and reports no sickness during the passage. On the 18th of November, the wife of Mr. George Stapp gave birth to a male child. The passengers were in medical charge of Dr. O. P. Lethbridge. The Maori is again freighted by Messrs. Shaw, Savill, and Co., and comes consigned to Messrs. Cruickshank, Smart, and Co.



Miss Coumbe

Miss F. Hemming

Major Fitzgerald (68th L.I.)

Mr. Thomas Steele

Mr. McDermott (M.S.S.)

Mr. Charles W. Alexander

Mr. Wilmot Holworthy (M.S.S.)

Edith, Winifred, and Charles Holworthy

Miss Ellen Lynch

Mr. T. G., Sarah, Sarah E., Julia C, Joseph, and Eva Stack

Mr. Thomas and Emilie Davies

Mr. W . C. Bailey

Mr. Edward and Harriet John


Second cabin and steerage:

Elizabeth Seates

Charles and Rhoda Buckland

Mary Melville

Herman Fairfield

Ann Gillespie

Helen Morrison (2)

Henry, Jane, and John Smith

Ellen, Charles, and Sarah Hardwick

Mary A., Eliza, and Sarah Ellis

William Hopkins

Solomon and John Salmon

John Tootel

Henry J. Bell

James Roulston

William Hammond

Michael and Elizabeth Petereit

Francis Hemming

John Green

Lewis Morris

Sarah and Jane Lee

Charles Combs

William and Henry Davy

Gilbert Morrison

Ann Harvey

George, Mary A., Alfred, and George Stapp

Richard Cameron

James O’Brien

Ann Bailey

Robert, Harriet, Mary A., Gertie, and Arthur Adlington

Walter, Susan, Sarah A., Robert, Margaret, and Henry Adlington

William White


English, 48 adults, 15 children, 5 infants; Scotch, 1; Irish, 6 ; foreigners, 2; grand total, 77 - equal to 64½ statute adults.

The following are the trades and occupations of the passengers:- 5 farmers, 2 clerks, 1 shopman, 1 ironmonger, 1 carrier, 1 miller, 1 toolmaker, 1 calico printer, 1 carpenter, 3 farm labourers, 5 servants, 2 labourers, 1 mechanic, 1 miner, 2 merchants, 1 miller and farmer, 2 officers, 1 Government officer, 3 gentlemen, 1 settler.

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