The KAIKOURA departed London on 12 January, 1894 and arrived in Wellington, via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown and Hobart, on 4 March, 1894. Captain Forbes was in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 5 March 1894, Page 2


ARRIVAL OF S.S. KAIKOURA. The ss Kaikoura left Plymouth at 7 pm on 13th January, and reached Teneriffe at 1 pm on 18th, the steamer being delayed there five days on account of a fire breaking out in the after-hold, which necessitated the discharge of a quantity of cargo to get at the seat of damage. Left Santa Cruz at 2 am on 24th January, and arrived at Capetown at 4 am on 8th February, arriving at Hobart at midnight on 27th. After discharging 300 tons cargo and shipping 300 tons of ore for England, the voyage was resumed at 5.30 pm on 28th, and arrived here at 11.15 last night. The health of the passengers and crew has been excellent throughout the voyage. Exceptionally fine weather prevailed throughout the passage, and the usual amusements were indulged in. She brings 1500 tons of cargo for New Zealand, of which 1300 tens will be discharged here. The vessel sails for Lyttelton to-morrow afternoon, returning to Wellington, and making this her final port of departure for Home.

The following is the list of passengers -

For Wellington:

Saloon - Lady Buckley, Mrs Richardson, Mr Scott-Chad

Second saloon - Misses Fulton and Purser; Mesdames Fulton and Ronber, Mr Clayton, Master Fulton.

Steerage -  Misses Karpel (2), Robinson (4), Mesdames Brown, Karpel, Robinson, Messrs Brown, Hedges, Karpel, Ronberg, Ryan, Bolson, Lester, Master Karpel;

For Lyttelton:

Saloon - Miss Studholme, Messrs Bayne, Scott (2)

Second saloon - Misses Gibson, Harmon, Jackman, Woodward, Mesdames Money, Spooner, Woodward, Rev Mayne, Messrs Nicoll, Page, Woodward

For Auckland:

Second Saloon - Mesdames Felton, Hickey, Lowin Messrs Board, Felton, Lowin

For Dunedin:

Second saloon - Mesdames Anderson and Bolton, Messrs Anderson, Bolton, Waghorne

For New Plymonth:

Second saloon - Misses Ahier (2)

For Napier:

Second saloon - Mrs and Master Bennett

41 steerage



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