The Kaikoura departed London on 4 March 1896 and arrived in Wellington via Plymouth, Capetown and Hobart, on 22 April 1896, with Captain F. Forbes in command.


Transcribed from Evening Post, 22 April 1896, Page 2


The Kaikoura left Plymouth at 2 pm on the 7th March and encountered a heavy gale and high seas when crossing the Bay of Biscay, and arrived at Teneriffe at noon on the 12th, leaving there for Capetown someday. From the 17th heavy rains and unsettled weather was met with np to the picking up of the S.E. trades in lat. 3 S. Capetown was reached at midday on the 29th; left at 1 pm next day. and encountered a succession of heavy gales and high seas np to the meridian of Cape Leuwin on the 12th instant and arrived at Hobart at noon on the 17th. Landed passengers and mails, embarked passengers, and took in 100 tons silver lead ore, sailing again at 8.45 pm. From Hobart experienced fine weather until arrival at Wellington at 6 this morning. The following is the passenger list:— Saloon for Wellington - Misses McGill and Cunningham. Messrs Barrow. Arkwright, Burtis, Johnson, Pascoe; second cabin— Misses Kelly and Taylor, Messrs Haigh and Shaefer; steerage— Misses Neagle and Thane, Mesdames Neagle and Thane, Messrs Brosnan, Greiner, Maclean, Seddo. Saloon for other ports— Messrs Johnson and Pascoe; second cabin— Mesdames Nixon, Bea, Knapp, Messrs Evans, Moor, Bea, Knapp, Sowdenn, Macnab, Mennell: 19 steerage. Her cargo consists of 2400 tons, of which 1400 tons will be landed here. The steamer will take in whatever cargo is offering at this port, and sails for Waitara on Friday, thence to Lyttelton, which is to be her final port of departure from the colony on 14th May.