The IONIC departed London on 29 January 1886 and arrived in Auckland on 18 March 1886, with Captain J G Cameron in command.


Transcribed from the New Zealand Herald, Friday, 19 March 1886. Page 4.


Ionic, s.s., 4753, J. G. Cameron, from London January 29, Plymouth 31, Teneriffe February 5, Capetown 22, and Hobart March 12.

Passengers: —

First saloon:

Messrs - William Douglas, W. R. Ellin, F. G. Hutchinson, T. K. Hall, E. K. Leege, Dr. H. M. Posnett,

Messrs - Posnett, Hugh Stevenson, G. C. Sandie, Wm. Wilson,

Mrs. Pearce and maid,

Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Miss Martha, Masters George, and Walter Scott.

Second saloon:

Mr. J. Mrs. and Masters J. and W. Seeley,

Mr. W. Barnard,

Mrs. W. Cooper,

Mr. J. M. Taylor,

Mrs. Penelope Ambler, Misses E. G. and L. H. Ambler,

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Attenborrow, Misses Ida and Amy Attenborrow,

Mr. and Mrs. George Butler,

Messrs - William Burrell, William Clarke, John Clare, Arthur Conquest, Henry Horrocks, Capt. W. Hendry, A. E. King. H. Laing, G. M. Richards, Ramsay, Edgar Spooner, Henry Sutton, Chas. Winder,

Miss Anna Smith,

Miss Marie Von Willinger,

Mrs Webster.

Third cabin:

Messrs - George K., C. H., Peter, Mrs., Miss Isabella, Mary, Kate, and Masters David and Peter Anderson,

Masters S. and E. Attenborrow,

Messrs - Hans Alexander, James Bonnick, John Burns, James Batchen, John Bridgement, Frederick G. Bratt, Arthur Burrowes,

Alfred Buxton, Mrs. Alfred Buxton, Masters Alfred, Joseph, and Ernest Buxton, Miss Florence Buxton,

Messrs - H. G. Ballantyne, Andrew Clark. George G. and F. A. Creighton, W. and S. Cooper,

Arthur, Mrs. Arthur,

Miss Petrini,

Miss Christian, and Master Ralph Cow,

Messrs - John Cornwall, Henry Curtis, W. B. Clark, George Dennis, E. L. Evans,

Misses - Mary and Ellen Edmonds,

Arthur Ewen,

W. H., Mrs. W. H., Misses G M Daisy, and Master A. Eggington,

H. Havers,

John, Mrs. John, and Master John Henderson,

George Hedger,

E. S. Harrison,

J. G., and Masters Walter and Harry Hook,

A. Ironmonger,

Robert Jackson,

S. Lawrence,

Mr., and Masters H., H., and J. Lorkington,

Patrick Linskey,

Joseph Maynard,

John May, Mrs. May, Miss Eliza May, Miss Jessie May, Miss Barbara May, Miss Polini May, John May,

Wm. Manuell,

Chas. Mealiar,

Albert Mack,

J. J. Niland,

John Osborne,

John Osborne,

Mrs. Mary Polley, Master Alex. Polley, Master Jas. Polley, Alex. Polley,

Miss Mary Ann Parker,

Francis Paxton,

John Robinson,

Thos. Russell,

Jas. E. Rule,

W. G. Scott,

Charles Stevens,

Jos. Smith,

Thos. Sim.

Jas. Shepherd,

Wm. Silifant,

Alfred Stern,

E. Turner,

Miss W. White, Hugh White, Nathaniel White,

W. Williams,

Tom Wilkinson,

Richard Woolcock,

Wright, and Mrs. Wright,

J. Spur,

Mrs. Hook.


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