The HURUNUI departed London on 8 September, 1877 and arrived in New Plymouth on 9 December, 1877. Captain McKelvie was in command.



Transcribed from the Taranaki Herald, 10 December 1877, Page 2



The anxiously-expected emigrant ship Hurunui put in an appearance at about six o'clock yesterday morning, after a good, but uneventful, passage of 82 days from land to land. Soon after the vessel was descried, a boat containing the Immigration Agent, Major Stapp; and the Health Officer, Dr. O'Carroll, went aboard, and found the passengers to be in a very healthy condition.

Upon the news being circulated through the town that the Hurunui had arrived, a large crowd soon gathered on the beach, and many were the remarks of admiration made use of concerning the beauty of the vessel. The immigrants for this place were all safely landed about eleven o'clock, and they at once proceeded to the Immigration Barracks, on Marsland Hill, where, during the day, they were visited by a large number of townspeople.

The immigrants look well and healthy after their voyage, and we trust that they may soon obtain employment at satisfactory wages.

Captain McKelvie, the gentleman in charge of the Hurunui, is by no means a stranger to New Zealand, having formerly been chief officer on the well-known steamer Phoebe, under our friend Captain Wheeler.

She brings an increase to our population of eighty. The passengers speak in high terms of Captain McKelvie, and also of the Burgeon, Dr. Wilson.

The saloon of the Hurunui is the whole length of the poop, about 65ft. long, and fitted up in a most elaborate style. The woodwork is of polished and bird's eye maple, with gilt mouldings. She has no stern cabins, but the two largest cabins, which are 9 by 8, are in the fore part of the saloon, being amidships nearly and consequently the more comfortable. The other cabins are all nearly as comfortable and large, being 9 by 6. She is provided with a large and convenient bathroom. On the poop-deck there is built a splendid smoking-house, which is also fitted up regardless of expense.

The following testimonial was presented to Dr. Wilson, the surgeon: — Ship Hurunui, December 7, 1877. To the Emigration Commissioners, Taranaki.

We, the undersigned married people, desire to express our thanks to the surgeon superintendent (Mr. Wilson) for the kind and dutiful manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office to us, from the time we left Plymouth until the present; and we wish him health and success in all his undertakings. Signed with 29 names.

The following is a list of the passengers: —


LLOYD - Charles, 25, farm laborer; Mary A., 30; Hereford

MULLETT - John H., 42, bricklayer; Harriet, 41; Beatrice A., 7; Dorsetshire

RUSSELL - Jeffery, 38, bricklayer; Elizabeth, 44; Anne, 13; Jeffery G., 7; Dorsetshire

STEEL - James, 36, farm laborer; Elizabeth, 34; Tom, 10; Mary, 4; John, 2; Gloucester

WELHAM - Richard, 42; farm laborer; Elizabeth, 40; Emily, 12; Jessie, 8; William, 6; Lucy, 1; Glamorgan

HARROP - William, 40, farm laborer; Mary, 39; William, 13; Anne, 3; Cheshire.



ALLEN – Joseph, 34, bricklayer, Stafford

BARRS – George, 19, laborer, Lincoln

BROKENSHIRE - George, 21, farm laborer, Cornwall

BROKENSHIRE - John, 22, farm laborer, Cornwall

CHISSOLD - Benjamin, 19, farm laborer, Worcester

FIRKINS - William, 20, farm laborer, Worcester

GOODWIN - George, 27, farm laborer, Gloucester

GOODWIN – Thomas, 25, farm laborer, Gloucester

JENNINGS - Thomas William, 23, farm laborer, Stafford

JOLE – James, 21, farm laborer, Devon

KELLY – Michael, 21, farm laborer, Limerick

LAWRENCE – Joseph, 24, bricklayers' laborer, Stafford

LAWRENCE – Thomas, 19, bricklayers' laborer, Stafford

LEARY – James, 20, farm laborer, Cork

LABB – John, 21, farm laborer, Cornwall

LOCK – Thomas, 19, farm laborer, Devon

MULALLY – James, 22, farm laborer, Tipperary

MULLETT – Charles, 18, carpenter, Dorset

MULLETT – John, 16, tailor, Dorset

MULLETT – Tom, 12, bricklayers' laborer, Dorset

O'SHEA – Patrick, 24, farm laborer, Cork

PAUL – Henry, 25, farm laborer, Gloucester

PIDGEON – Edwin, 34, general laborer, Dorset

POWER – Thomas, 21, farm laborer, Waterford

QUILLIAN – Robert, 22, bricklayer, Lancashire

ROBERTS - Henry, A., 22, farm laborer, Gloucester

SULLIVAN – Daniel, 20, farm laborer, Cork

WELHAM – James, 23, farm laborer, Glamorgan

WELHAM – Richard, 19, farm laborer, Glamorgan

WELLINGTON – William, 28, farm laborer, Cornwall



BROWN - Elison M., 22, nurse, Middlesex

BROWN - Mary J., 19, servant, Middlesex

BUCKLEY - Ellen, 17, servant, Cork

BUCKLEY - Margaret, 19, servant, Cork

BURTON - Florence, 16, servant, Warwick

COLBRON - Augusta, 30, nurse, South Wales

FERGUSSON - Margaret, 30, servant, Forfar

FIRKINS - Jane, 17, housemaid, Worcester

HARDING - Mary A., 33, servant, Middlesex

HARROP - Mary, 15, servant, Cheshire

HOPKINSON, Elizabeth, 19, housemaid, Gloucester

IRVIN - Jeanette, 19, servant, Shetland

KEARNEY - Hannah, 18, dairymaid, Cork

KEMP - Emma, 21, cook, Middlesex

MULLETT - Emma, 20, servant, Dorset

NEVILLE - Catharine, 22, dairymaid, Cork

QUILLIAN - Ellen, 25, nurse, Lancashire

ROBINS - Emma, 16, servant, Gloucester

ROBINS, Sarah, 17, servant, Gloucester

RUSSELL - Hestor, 17, pupil teacher, Hants

SMITH - Lucy, 30, servant, Middlesex

STURGEON - Sophia, 17, nursemaid, Suffolk

TAYLOR - Lizzie, 24, servant, Surrey

WEAVERS - Ellen, 18, servant, Suffolk

WELHAM - Amelia, 17, housemaid, Glamorgan

WELHAM - Elizabeth, 17, servant, Glamorgan


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012