The GOTHIC departed from London on 2 September 1896 and arrived in Wellington via Plymouth, Capetown and Hobart, on 19 October 1896, with Captain William H Kidley in command.

Transcribed from the Evening Post, Monday, 19 October 1896, Page 4



The Gothic left Plymouth at 4.22 pm on 5th September; anchored off Santa Cruz on 10th September; coaled ship and left same day for Capetown; crossed the Equator on 16th September; arrived at Capetown on the 25th; after landing 22 saloon and 189 steerage passengers and coaling left again on 26th September for Hobart; on 2nd October, in latitude 44 deg 57min S, longitude 53 deg 16 min E, passed first iceberg; thence until 4th October, in latitude 45deg 48mln S, longitude 7deg, passed many large bergs and numerous small pieces; arrived at Hobart at 6.57 on 14th October, and landed passengers, discharged 40 tons cargo, took in coal, and left next day at 6.8 am; passed Cape Farewell at 8pm yesterday, and anchored in harbour at 5.15 am this morning. The Health Officer's examination was satisfactory, and the vessel was berthed at the Queen's Wharf at 8 am. The Gothic leaves here for Lyttelton on Saturday, and returns to Wellington, from which port she sails for London on 24th November, 12 days later than time-table date. The vessel's cargo has already been published. With the exception of two deaths, recorded elsewhere, the voyage has been uneventful. W. and G. Turnbull and Co are local agents. Her passenger list is:—


For Wellington:-


Misses - Campbell, Cramond, Joseph, Spratt, Welsby,

Mesdames - Black, Joseph and maid,

Capt Babot, Rev Paul,

Messrs - Black, jun, Currin, Dobson, Gardiner, Lowes, Turner, Kirkwood;


Misses - Anderson, Duff, Kestell.

Mesdames - Broderson, Benney, Kershaw, Wright,

Messrs - Broderson, Boyd, Benney, Kestell, Langworthy, Walkinson, Tatton.

For Wanganui:-


Mrs. Gatenby, Mr. Thatcher;


Missess - Elliott (2)

For Nelson:-


Mr. Edelstin;


Miss Broome,

Messrs Broome (2).

For other ports

Saloon, 57; Steerage, 58


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