The GOTHIC departed London 12 April 1901 and arrived in Wellington on 26 May 1901. Captain William H Kidley was in command.


Transcribed from The Evening Post, 27 May 1901. Page 4.



The Shaw, Savill, and Albion steamer Gothic arrived in port just before 8 o'clock last night, and was berthed this morning. She left London on 12th April and Plymouth on the 13th. The voyage was uneventful except for a strong south-easterly gale, which continued for three days with high seas, on the passage from the Cape to Hobart. The Tasmanian port was reached at 10.39 am on the 22nd inst. After discharging 135 tons cargo the vessel left again at 4.14 pm, and fell in with light westerly winds and fine weather, arriving off Cape Farewell at 9.58 am yesterday, and anchored in the stream at 7.55 pm.

The following is her passenger list:—

For Wellington:

First-class —

Misses - Marriott, Milne

Mrs. Colebrook

Messrs - Colebrook, Garde, Shaw, Gordon, Brydges-Jones, McDougal, Perkhouse (2), Heyder

Master Colebrook


Third-class —

Misses – Butler, Flannigan (2), Kennie

Mesdames - Anker, Mickish,

Messrs - Anker (2), Boyd (2), Brown, Butler, Casserley, Devoy, Derby, Evans, Hill, McWhirter, O'Leary, Reilly, Rogers, Sutton, Turner, Woolam, Young.

She brings 100 passengers for other ports.


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