The Edwin Fox departed Plymouth on 8 August 1878 and arrived in Nelson

on 18 November 1878, with Captain J. Phease in command.

Immigrants for Nelson

Surname Name Age County Profession

Families and Children

Barclay Thomas 35 Lanarksh. Joiner
Agnes 29
Mary 3
Elizabeth 1

Carroll Thomas 38 Cork Shepherd
Ellen 27
John 16
Annie 14
Honora 12
Mary 10
Thomas 8

Fraser Alexander 32 Aberdeen Joiner
Janet 28
Jane 4
Isabella 1

Gschnell Johanne 2 Austria Farm Labourer
Josephine 28
Elois 6
Johanne 2
Gebhart 1

Marney Wm. 28 Lancashr. Farm Labourer
Susan A 32

Single Men

Bullock Jno. 19 Cornwall Farm Labourer

Porter Jno. B. 22 Forfarsh. Farm Labourer

Colonial Nominated

O’Connor Timothy 20 Clare Farm Labourer

O’Neill Timothy 18 Clare Farm Labourer
Winifred 16 Clare General Servant

Stewart Wm. 27 Dumbarton Carpenter
Vosper Wm. 20 Cornwall Miner

Single Women

Aylwan Mary 29 Kilkenny Farm Servant
Johanna 26 Kilkenny Farm Servant
Ellen 18 Kilkenny Farm Servant

Bungoyne Sarah 30 Cornwall General Servant

Canny Anne 17 Limerick General Servant

Cronin Ellen 19 Cork General Servant
Kate 17 Cork General Servant

Deely Bridget 19 Limerick General Servant
Alice 18 Limerick General Servant

Fieldson Alice 17 Hants General Servant

Goodman Sophia 17 Middlesex General Servant

Gough Harriet M. 34 Middlesex Nurse

Greyson Louisa 27 Cheshire General Servant

Hayes Margaret 19 Clare General Servant

Hughes Jane 16 Middlesex General Servant

Le Newry Elizabeth M. 18 Jersey General Servant
Malorney Eleanor J. 28 Kent Cook

O’Donnell Ellen 17 Limerick General Servant

Porter Agnes S. 18 Forfarsh. General Servant

Robinson Annie 25 Staffordsh. Nurse
Sophia 21 Staffordsh. General Servant

Scalfi Annie 16 Warwicksh. General Servant

Topp Louisa M. 23 Glamorgansh. General Servant
West Elizth. 30 Lincoln Cook

Wright Christiannie 19 Kent Housemaid

Wyatt Mary A. 22 Hunts General Servant

Immigrants for Marlborough

Surname Name Age County Profession

Families and Children

Allen John W. 22 Cornwell Farm Labourer
Harriet 23

Baird William 22 Armagh Farm Labourer
Maria 20
James William 5 mths - died at sea 28th September 1878

Connors Daniel 34 Tipperary Farm Labourer
Mary 30

Curnow James 20 Farm Labourer
Grace 20

Cushelly (Costello) William J. 23 Derry Ploughman
Susan 22
Ellen 6 mths - died at sea 22nd October 1878

Higgins John 24 Kerry Farm Labourer
Catherine 24
Mary 5 mths

Hocking John 30 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Margaret 25

McKinley Charles 29 Donegal Farm Labourer
Catherine 18
Moses 27

Massey John 38 Glamorgansh. Farm Labourer
Jane 36
Emma 14
Mary A. 12
Janet 10
Charles 8
Albert 10 mths

Pascoe Matthew 26 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Margaret 27

Thomas Thomas 49 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Ann 48 Mary 23 Cornwall Dairymaid
Thomas 21 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Ann 19 Cornwall Dairymaid
Jane 17 Cornwall Dairymaid
Lily 16 Cornwall Dairymaid
Matthew 15 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Hannibal 11
Charity 11
John 6

Single Men

Ahern Edmond 21 Kerry Farm Labourer

Armstrong Henry 18 Cavan Farm Labourer

Cook William 32 Gloustersh. Farm Labourer
Daly John 19 Cavan Farm Labourer

Darke William 28 Devon Farm Labourer

Freeman George 28 Cornwall Farm Labourer

Fletcher Thomas 21 Worcestersh. Farm Labourer

Hogan Patrick 31 Cork Farm Labourer

Keffe Jeremiah 20 Cork Farm Labourer

Libby William 25 Cornwall Farm Labourer

McCononsy James 21 Dery Farm Labourer

McPhillips Patrick 21 Cavan Farm Labourer

Parks W. James 20 Armagh Farm Labourer

Pitt Joseph 16 Staffordsh. Labourer

Ward Patrick 21 Cavan Farm Labourer

West James 59 Tyrone Farmer
Sarah 27 Tyrone General Servant
Emily 22 Tyrone General Servant

Single Women

Curnow Catherine 20 Cornwall General Servant

Foley Mary 20 Cork Farm Servant

Jones Harriet 21 Herefordsh. Nurse

Mann Mary 34 Cornwall Cook

McCrystal Mary 21 Cerry General Servant

McFeeley Bridget 22 Derry General Servant

Neil Johanna 20 Cork Farm Servant Sewad
Catherine 21 Cork Farm Servant Shepherd
Mary 18 Derry General Servant

Tilgner Hannah 29 Germany General Servant

Trevenow Elizabeth 22 Cornwell Farm Servant

Vallis Mary E. 19 Somerset General Servant

Colonial Nominated

Broadhurst Elizabeth 32 Staffordsh. Tailoress
Agnes 12
Frederick 7
Charles 3

Immigrants for Westland

Surname Name Age County Profession

Families and Children

Gough Benal 35 Salop Farm Labourer
Eliza 35

Hassell Henry 29 Cheshire Farm Labourer
Mary 29
William Henry 5
Reuben 4
Alice 2 - died at sea 22nd October 1878

Huzziff John 30 Herts Farm Labourer
Ellen J. 31
William 6
John 4
Thomas Infant

Mohan Patrick 24 Monaghan Farm Labourer
Maria 20
James 10 mths

Montgomery Frederick 32 Farm Labourer
Eliza 40
John 19
Isaac 17

Pask John 38 Lincoln Farm Labourer
Jane 29
James Thomas 10
William 3
Edwin Infant

Prince George 24 Somersetsh. Farm Labourer
Emily 21
Maria 1 - died at sea 6th September 1878

Rowe Sampson 40 Cornwall Farm Labourer
Elizabeth A. 39
Frederick 18
Wallace 16
Harry 13
Millicent 11
Clara 2

Wilson Joseph 43 Yorkshire Farm Labourer
Hannah E. 37
Jane A. 13
Joseph 8
Thomas 5
James 3

Colonial Nominated

McKenzie Hector 29 Lanarksh. Engineman
Margaret 28
John 5
Hector 4 mths

Power James 45 Waterford Labourer
Mary 40
Margaret 23 Servant
William 18 Labourer
Mary 13
Thomas 7
David 5
Katey 3

Single Men

Aylward Michael 24 Kilkenny Farm Labourer

Chandler Thomas 21 Bedfordsh. Farm Labourer

Coffey Jeremiah 23 Cork Farm Labourer

Doggett John 24 Sussex Bricklayer

Fitzpatrick Thomas 21 Cork Farm Labourer

Flaherty James 22 Limerick Farm Labourer

Frost Thomas 29 Limerick Farm Labourer

Gibbs James 20 Cornwall Farm Labourer

Hall William John 19 Antrim Farm Labourer
Harkin John 24 Donegal Farm Labourer

Hartigan John 21 Limerick Farm Labourer

Irving James 23 Cumberland Miner

Knee Tobias 19 Donegal Farm Labourer

Kennedy Patrick 24 Kerry Farm Labourer

Maher Thomas 24 Kilkenny Farm Labourer

McCarthy Mary A. 23 Cork General Servant
Michael 20 Cork Farm Labourer

McGath Patrick 31 Waterford Farm Labourer

Moban Francis 27 Monaghan Farm Labourer

Neager William 19 Limerick Farm Labourer

Neil Jeremiah 22 Kerry Farm Labourer

O’Sullivan Patrick 26 Kerry Farm Labourer

Oke John 22 Devon Farm Labourer

Phelan Richard 19 Kilkenny Farm Labourer

Power Thomas 22 Waterford Farm Labourer

Quaid James 30 Limerick Farm Labourer

Rogers Henry William 20 Bedfordsh. Gardener

Sheehan Batholemew 21 Waterford Farm Labourer
Slattery Thomas 26 Limerick Farm Labourer

Smith John 24 Middlesex Bricklayer
Henry 20 Middlesex Bricklayer

Sullivan Timothy 19 Cork Farm Labourer

Wilson George 15 Yorkshire Mine Labourer
William 17 Yorkshire Mine Labourer

Colonial Nominated

Butler Michael 22 Kerry Farm Labourer

Clifford Michael 24 Kerry General Servant
Deborah 20 Kerry General Servant

Davies John 20 Cornwall Coal Miner

Evans Thomas 20 Durham General Labourer

Heaney Robert 18 Derry General Labourer

McSlone Joseph 21 Derry Farm Labourer

O’Donovan John 20 Cork Farm Labourer

Parkins John 22 Cumberland Miner

Single Women

Conner Catherine 20 Kerry Dairymaid

Coveney Maria E. 19 Lancash. General Servant

Gallagher Kitty 25 Donegal General Servant

Lynch Sarah 21 Kerry General Servant

McAnley Biddy 22 Donegal Housemaid

McCarthy Mary 18 Kerry General Servant

McFinley Mary 25 Donegal Housemaid

McIntyre Eliza 23 Antrim Housemaid

McLaughlin Bridget 19 Derry General Servant

McMonagle Mary 21 Donegal General Servant

Mohan Mary 22 Antrim General Servant

Neagor Honora 23 Limerick General Servant
Mary 20 Limerick General Servant

Partridge Jane 18 Hunts General Servant

Colonial Nominated

Doyle Mary 22 Tyrone General Servant
Isabella 18 Tyrone General Servant

Dundas Jane 26 Durham General Servant

Coutts Johanna 15 Shetland Pupil Teacher
William A. 11
Mouat Margaret A.
Harrison Mary 24 Dublin General Servant

Magill Jone 23 Antrim General Servant

McKenna Rose 33 Dublin General Servant

Mouat Agnes 38 Shetland Laundress

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