The DORIC departed Plymouth on 30 January 1887, and arrived in Wellington via Teneriffe, Hobart, Melbourne and Sydney on 15 March 1887. Captain J W Jennings was in command.





Transcribed from the Evening Post, 16 March 1887, Page 2





The Shaw, Savill & Albion Company's chartered steamer Doric, Captain J. W. Jennings, arrived from London at 6.30 this morning, and having been passed by the Health Officer was berthed at the Queen's Wharf at 8 am. She left Plymouth on 30th January, and arrived at Teneriffe at 4 am on 4th February: sailed at noon same day, and reached Capetown at 8 am on 20th; left again at noon, and made Hobart at 7 am on 11th March; moved on at 1 pm same day; Wellington Heads were in sight at 8 last night, but Captain Jennings kept his vessel off until this morning, and brought her in as stated above. The weather was fine, and no storms and very little wet weather were encountered through­out the passage. The voyage appears to have been a most enjoyable one for the passengers, who were entertained by concerts, dances, and a wax work exhibition, which are alluded to in our local columns. The new Governor of Tasmania (Sir R. G. C. Hamilton), Lady Hamilton and family came out to Hobart by the Doric. When the Doric left Plymouth she had on board 53 cabin, 30 second cabin, and 70 steerage passengers, and the names of those for New Zealand will be found below, the balance having been landed at ports en route. The officers of the Doric this voyage are — Captain, J. W. Jennings; chief officer, Mr. Sowden; second officer, Mr. Smith; third officer, Mr. Jones; fourth officer, Mr. Breen; Dr E. A. Fall; purser, W. L. Walters; chief steward, Mr. T. D. Jones. We are indebted to the purser for the report, &c, The following is a list of her passenger:




Miss Evan Lucas,

Mesdames Raine, Monro and boy,

Rev S. E. Terry,

Messrs Albert Bennett, Alfred Canney, J. H. Jowitt, C. J. Monro, McRae and J. H. Raine;



Misses Annie Oldroyd and Annie Watkins,

Mesdames McCallum and Howe,

Messrs R. M. Gillmore, Wm. Jackson, B. Leggett. Walsh and M. McCallum;



Misses Gibson (4),

Mesdames Belton, Gibson, Hoadley, Flotov and Merritt,

Messrs Geo. Belton, Archibald Arroll, E. D. Davies, L. Gibson, Hoadley, F. Hunn, John Lawson, Eli Lamb, Hugh McKenzie, J. Johnson, C. H. Bingley, A. W. Mills, Fred Merritt, D. Neville, Joseph Parry, Thomas Rainey, J. J. Robinson, Chas. and Gerald Scott, Henry J. Walker, Wm. T. Whittaker, Jos. Wade, Jas. Williamson, C. Winter, J. Judge and A. Dowsett.

The Doric has about 1500 tons cargo to land here, and leaves next week for Napier and Lyttelton sailing from the latter port for London on the 2nd of April.


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