The COLUMBUS departed London on 14 June, 1864 and arrived in Auckland on 10 October, 1864, with Captain Robert Adie in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 11 October 1864, Page 4



The ship Columbus, 1,277 tons, Captain Adie, arrived yesterday evening, and anchored off the North Head. She left the Downs on the 16th June, and took her final departure from Ushant on the 24th June Experienced light N E trades, and crossed the line on the 27th July, in 25° 11 W. longitude. The S E trades proved moderate, and the meridian of the Cape was made on the 23rd August. From thence strong W. and S.W winds prevailed. She ran down her easting as far as 59° S, and passing to the south of Tasmania, sighted the North Cape on Saturday last. The barque Guadalette, hence, was spoken on the 4th instant, in longitude 163° 10 E , latitude 34° S.

The Columbus was despatched by Messrs Green, Robinson, and Co. She is a fine large ship, and has good accommodation. Her commander, Captain Adie, has been presented with a testimonial by the passengers, as a token of their appreciation of his abilities as a mariner, and of the manner in which he has performed his duties. Most of the passengers appear to be in good health, and the ship is in a cleanly state.

The following is a list of her passengers and cargo.


Cabin -

Lieutenant Dooner, 12th Regiment

Lieutenant Triphook, 12th Regiment

Ensign Armfelt, 43rd Regiment

Ensign Taunton, 50th Regiment

Mr. Frederick Ireland

Dr. Hodson, medical officer

H P W Blackman

Steerage -

Joseph, Emma, William, and Rachael Beaseley

Charles and Bridget White

William Metcalf

Edward, Elizabeth, and Sarah Westwood

Jane Swindell

Thomas, Sarah, Thomas, Alice, and Frederick Booth

James Robinson

Richard, John, Elizabeth, and Margaret Atkinson

Richard, Jane, and Ellen Robinson

Thomas Shanks

George and Elizabeth Kevugh

William Atkinson

John and Jane Johnston

Simon Deane

Annie, Isabella, and Agnes McCormick

Margaret, Margaret, Robert, Margaret, and Elizabeth Paul

Daniel and Agnes Caruth

David Carter

Matilda, Elizabeth, Margaret, Matilda, Alexander, Helen, and James Craig

Thomas, Elizabeth, Jane, Samuel, and David James Lawrence Gerachty

Susan and Susan Farrell

Catherine Davenport

Elizabeth, Jane, Elizabeth, and Ronald McDonald

Hannah, Hannah, Samuel, Rebecca, and Joseph Jones

Eliza, Margaret, and Francis Hutley

William, Mary, Joseph, William, Mary, and James Cummins

Robert Farrell

Moses Bird

John Franklin

Susannah Franklin

Eliza and John Hattery

Richard, Emma, Richard, Elizabeth, and Francis H. Eckley

John, Martha, John, and Agnes Chambers

Thomas, Elizabeth, Thomas, James Hercules, Elizabeth Jane, John, and Mary Ann Thomas

W. H. Myler

W. H., Mary, Georgina, and Adelaide Baker

George, Annie, Louisa, and Myrletta Williams

Annie and Jane Hobbs

Thomas Sketon

Robert W., Phillls C, and Louisa Blenkarn

William Pattison

William Sineton

William and John Gibbett

Hudson Little

John Cargo

Gilbert Graves

James and Alfred Symburn

William Bryers

William Calf

Alfred W Baker

Joseph Hinley

John and Mary Harding

David, Eliza, Elizabeth, David, Mary, James, Margaret, and Joseph Cargo

William, Margaret, William, Mary, Jane, and Samuel Gray

William, Ellen, William, John, Walter, and Louisa Culpitt

John, Sophia, and Thomas Pyrate

Edward, Susannah, Sarah, John, Edward, and Susannah Gook

Jane, William, and Robert Robinson

James, Margaret, James, James, and Alfred Symburn

James and Isabella Claupett

George Dalrymple

William Pinchin

William, Mary Ann, William, and Henry Chambers

Robert Scott

William Robson

William Bellamy

Ann Lynburn


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