Departed from Queenstown, Ireland on 7th October, 1863 and arrived in Auckland on 8th January 1864,
after a journey of 93 days. Captain Clarke was in command.

From the Southern Cross and The New Zealander newspapers of Saturday, 9th January, 1864

126 Rank & File of the 70th Regt.

154 - 2nd Bat. of the 18th. Regt

70 - 40th Regt

71 - 57th Regt

36 - 65th Regt

19 - 50th Regt

15 - Royal Engineers

27 - Army Hospital Corps

2 - Corps of Armourers


BAKERJ. D. Capt.18th Regt

BLEWITTC. Capt.65 Regt

BOWTREEE. M. Staff Surgeon

BYAMW. Ensign65th Regt

CARRLt.Royal Artillary

CHANDLERE. Staff Assistant Surgeon

CHAYTERA. Ensign65 Regt

HALLCapt.18th Regt

HIGGINSW. Capt.65 Regt

KINGT. H. Ensign40th Regt

LLOYDT. W. J. Capt.57th Regt

MANSERGHCapt.40th Regt

MARTINEnsign70th Regt

MENTEITHG. J. Lt.70th Regt

THOMPSONT. G. Ensign65 Regt

TOULMINA. T. Ensign65th Regt

WARINGT. Ensign50th Regt

YOUNGLt. Col.65th Regt

plus 520 men rank & file and 64 woman & 67 children

Passengers in the cabin:-

Mrs LLOYD & 2 chdn passengers

Deaths: One women, Mary Ann EVERS, wife of a Private of the 65th, died on 27 Oct.  8 children also

died during the passage. On December 3rd Thomas LENNON of the 70th Regt. was found to be

missing, presumably washed overboard during the night.

Births: there were 9.

From The New Zealander of Saturday, 9th January, 1864

The Chariot of Fame left Queenstown harbour 7th October thus making the passage in 93 days. The

passage has on the whole has been a most favourable one, being singularly destitute of rough

weather; a great thing when women and children are on board in any number.  The showery weather

yesterday prevented the ship having the clean appearance usual in troop ships.

Testimonial to the Captain of the Chariot of Fame

The following address was presented to the Captain of the ship Chariot of Fame on her arrival in port:-

Ship Chariot of Fame, January 8, 1864

Dear Sir   - At the termination of a most prosperous voyage,  attended under the blessings of

Divine Providence without the loss of a single soldier on board, under medical charge, I feel it is a

most grateful duty to express my sincere thanks to you, as the officer in command of the troops, for

the anxiety you have invariably evinced to meet my wishes to promote the comfort of all on board

and in offering this very inadequate tribute of my respect and thanks, I beg you will accept my best

wishes for your long prosperity and happiness.

I must in justice to your chief mate, Mr Selkirk, and the other officers of your ship, record my

favourable opinion of the satisfactory manner they have aided you in the responsible duties you have

had to perform as master of the ship.

Sgd:  W P Young, Lieut. Colonel 65th Regt., Commanding the Troops

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