The CAROLINE departed London on 6 January 1880 and arrived in Wellington on 29 April 1880. Captain Davis was in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 29 April 1880, Page 2.



The ship Caroline, 9684 tons register, under command of Captain Davis, was signalled at 7.30 this morning, but owing to the stiff N. W. wind had not been able to beat up to the anchorage by the time the Post was published to-day. She has made a long passage of 114 days from London. A large number of passengers come by her — about 200 in all — of whom there are only some 32 nominated immigrants, principally for Auckland; all the others pay their own passage money. The ship reported "all well." so that she will probably be berthed at the wharf by the end of the week. The Caroline comes out on behalf of the N.Z. Shipping Company. The s.s. Grafton went out at 1 p.m. to tow her in.

The following is a list of her passengers, as taken from the home papers: —

Saloon — Charles, Mrs., Ada, and George Hope; Dr. and Mr. Hudson.

Second Cabin — Christopher, Mrs., and George Thackery; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews; Mr. and Miss Ryder; Messrs. Moffatt, Jones, Raleigh, Macdonald, and Richardson.

Steerage - About 185.


Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2016