Sailed from London, in 1861 and arrived at Auckland on 10 February, 1862, under the command of James Stott.

The text below was kindly supplied by Piero J Gherardi. If you wish to make contact with him his email address is included below.

"Avalanche" – ship which arrived in Aucklandon 10 February 1862. My interest in the ship is the arrival on board ofthe Butler family (Charles, Ann and children), one of whom married into my gggrandfather’s family. The reference for the information of the ship’sarrival comes from “Auckland Public Library Shipping Index Part Two Indexof Passengers Who Arrived at Auckland 1840 – 1882” p.165. The original information was in “The New Zealander” Auckland newspaper of Wednesday12 February 1862. I quote:
    "Avalanche, ship, 697 tons, James Stott, from London. Passengers – Mr. And Mrs. W.K. Graham and 3 children; Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Holden; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Balu and 2 children; Mrs. Margaret, Robert, Andrew, Christine, and Maggie Macfarlane; Mrs., Margaret and Mary C. Pearson; Lieut. T.A.S. Kynnersley; Thomas Masefield; Miss Noseworthy; G.H. Breton; W. Coppell; A. Kinghorn; E. Sibbin; T.M. and Sarah Ashman; J. Davies; W. Kingston; J. Osborne; Alice Martin; B. Tanner; H. Emson; H., James, and Richard Webster; Charlotte Stockdale; W. Marshall; James, Mary, John and Bridget Kelly; W. James; A.E. Smith; T. Walker; Wm., Isabella, and Alexander Bruce; Agatha Wilsteed; J.E York; Charles, Ann, Agnes, Charles and Mary A. Butler; Jas., Elizabeth, Mary A., Ann, and Ellen Abbott; Sarah Anning; Rachael Clemits; William, Alice, Edward, George, Isabella, William, James and Alice Hoggart; Jane Daniel; John and Sophia Clark; Frederick A. Roberts; G.H. Parker; Robert Bruce; Alex. and Phillip Sadler; Henry Cousins; John Abbott; J. Walters; Isaac Randle; E. Moore; Hartwright, - in all 85 souls, - Gilfillan & Co., agents."


I copied the above from a photocopy of the film of the relevant page in the “The New Zealander” with the punctuation, capitals, small letters and spaces as they are in the original. This is especially crucial for “Mrs., Margaret and Mary C. Pearson” (3 persons) and for “H., James and Richard Webster” (3 persons). Which could otherwise be read as H. James and Richard Webster (2 persons) and Mrs. Margaret and Mary C. Pearson (2 persons).

Piero J Gherardi       mailto:pierog@ihug.co.nz