The AORANGI departed London on 11 October 1893 and
arrived in Wellington, via Teneriffe, Capetown and Hobart, on 29 November 1893. Captain J A
Sutcliffe was in command.
Transcribed from Evening
Post, 30 November 1893, Page 2
The N.Z.S. Co.'s ss Aorangi, which arrived in harbour
yesterday afternoon from London via way ports, left Plymouth on 14th October,
and arrived at Teneriffe at 1pm on the 19th; left at
8pm same day, and arrived at Capetown on 4th
November. Proceeded at 8 next morning, and arrived at
Hobart at noon on 24th. Discharged 200 tons of cargo, mails, and passengers,
and left for Wellington at 6 am on 25th, reaching here at 2.30 pm yesterday.
After being inspected by the Health Officer she was berthed at the Queen's
Wharf about an hour later. The voyage was marked by fine weather throughout,
and was uneventful. The health of all on board has been very satisfactory. The
usual amusements were held during the voyage. Her cargo for New Zealand ports
consists or over 2000 tons, of which 1400 tons are for Wellington. She leaves
for Lyttelton on Saturday night or Sunday morning,
returning here about the 14th December, and makes this her final port of
departure for Home. Following is a list
of her passengers:
For Wellington:
Saloon— Miss Rowell, Lady
and Miss Gorst, Messrs Spencer, Bibby,
Second Saloon— Miss Goold, Mrs. Browning, Messrs Bayly,
Blundy, Browning, Shaw, Usborne;
Steerage — Misses Canty, Whalley (3), Lobb, Norton (2), Phelan, Mesdames Whalley,
Drinkell, Ridgway, Neil, Messrs Drinkell,
Whalley, Chapman, Darke,
Ambrose, Dixon, Lobb and 2 boys, Norton (2) and boy,
Ridgway, Yates.
For other ports:
Saloon — Misses Embling, Gurney, Somervllle,
Stewart (3), Smith. Mesdames Stewart, Samuel, Harrow, Sealy, Dr Cohen, Rev.
Olsen, Messrs Cohen (2), Watson, Stewart, Harrow, Addie, Butler, Sealey (2). Newsome, Robson, Sclanders,
Somemlle, Samuel;
Second Saloon— Misses Norman
(2), Dudney (2), Edwards, Vant,
Watling, Morton, Grieve, Folks, Macfarlane, Mesdames
Boyd, Spencer, Atkinson, Dudney, Norman, Vant, Mosely and child, Boot,
Folks, Hawkins, Hornby, Moody, Messrs Boot, Rigby,
Woods (2). Owen, McBriarty, Shave, Scott, Scoon, Atkinson, Richmond, Sbortt ;
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